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Welcome beautiful souls


My name is Stacia and currently reside on the beautiful West Coast of Canada.  I am a mix of indigenous, chile, ireland and scotland.   I have been working with energy for about 18 years.  I started helping clear homes, and then working with people using water, cedar, candles and sage, and also supporting in community blessings. 

I have been attending ceremonies, retreats, taking metaphysical courses, coaching, volunteering my time and giving back. Through all of this I have been digging deeper, learning the importance of having a practice, ancestral healing, shadow work, working through the spiral of the self, and our connection with the Earth.  Learning the importance of self-love, consistency, devotion, resulting in transformation through meditation, quantum healing, hands on healing, and alchemy.   


I have been attending ceremonies and events in 5 continents and visiting sacred sites. This has helped me to see more of what is possible and remember and connect with deeper aspects of myself.  I have been led to Egypt, Argentina, London, Bali, Central America and locations in the States. Most recently I went to Peru for an Inca Initiatic Retreat to work with the Q'ero's, learning Shamanic practices and Initiated by Altomisayoc Maria Apaza, connecting with the sacred mountains (Apu's aka Mountain spirits), as Nusta connection with Inca lineage and building my sacred bundle (Mischa). 

I go where I am called and have a connection with the land. 


Everything is an exchange and I believe in moving with intention, and to continue building my skillset and offerings.  I am forever a student in this lifelong journey of remembering, and look forward to sharing more of this with you :)  

Sharing a few photos of my journey below. 


Sending all my love and see you on the inside!




chalice well, glastonbury


glastonbury tor, uk


philae temple, temple of isis, nile egypt


temple of dendera, Hathor, nile egypt

salt flats, utah


stonehenge uk


Bali, Indonesia


Pueblo Encanto, Capilla Del Monte, Argentina


Quillarumiyoc, Temple of the Moon, Peru


Sirenachayoc Waterfalls, Peru


Ankasmarca, Peru


Closing Ceremony and Thank you's


Machu Picchu, Peru, Wonder of the world

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Aramu Maru - multidimensional doorway, Peru

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